Date: February 10, 2011
Distance: 23 miles. 1hour 42 minutes
Weather: 25 degrees (warm)
Equipment: Sled
Trail Conditions: snow packed
Dog Positions: 12 dog team. Magpie-Goose, Zak-Katya, Snap-Chickadee, Sparrow-Shrike, Widegon-Jane, Shifter-Scoter
Music Choice: Metallica
Notes: Good run. Austin followed out on the snow machine because the moose are out in force. The team started off very fast and kept up a great pace until we turned off the swamp towards Stevens Lake and they slowed down a bit. We made in back to the dog yard in good time. All the dogs were in good spirits and no injuries to report.
Robert Forto | Team Ineka | Alaska Dog Works | Mushing Radio | Dog Works Radio | Denver Dog Works
Dr. Robert Forto is a musher training for his first Iditarod under the Team Ineka banner and the host of the popular radio shows, Mush! You Huskies and Dog Works Radio Shows