Team Ineka
Mid-distance and expedition sled dog kennel located in Willow, Alaska, and owned by Robert and Michele Forto.
We lost a very special sled dog, Raegan of Team Ineka. She was the dog that started it all here at our mushing kennel in Alaska. She was a Siberian Husky and the diva of our kennel. This is the hardest part of being a dog musher. We put our hearts on the line with…
Drone Video of the Eagle River Classic
Robert took some cool drone video of the 2021 Eagle River Classic in Chugiak, Alaska. There were four classes in the race; 4-dog, 6-dog, 8-dog, and open class.
Drone Video of the Willow Junior 100
Robert took some cool drone footage of the kids as they head out on the Willow Junior 100 sled dog race this past weekend. There were 12 kids from all over Alaska that was competing. For several of them it was their first race.
We lost a special girl yesterday. Vela was part of the Kasilof Crew that we got from our friend, James Wheeler when we were starting out our kennel here in Willow. While Vela was super shy she was always excited to run, especially in races. She was one of our first command leaders and taught…
We lost a very special dog. TyTy was part of the Kasilof Crew that we got from our friend James Wheeler when we were just starting to build our kennel here at Team Ineka. TyTy touched so many lives. She was part of so many race teams, winter expeditions, and friends that we introduced to…
Tailwagger blend by First Paw Coffee Company
Have you tried our Tailwagger blend by our very own, First Paw Coffee Company? First Paw Coffee Company is a small batch botique coffee company started by Robert and Michele Forto in 2019. Their first blend is a medium roast and it’s name was crowdsourced in their Facebook page. How cool is that? Order yours…
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