Hi, my name is Scout. I am a new lead dog from Hugh Neff’s kennel this past summer. I come from Lance Mackey lines. If you know anything about mushing you know about Lance. He is practically royalty in Alaska! I am seven years old and a little hefty but boy can I run good with my team mate, Sidney.
I joined Team Ineka in July of this year and I have settled in. I am a quiet type of sled dog and I am all business on the gang line. Recently, my chain came loose while Ms. Michele was feeding my old friend Ringo in the “old man” kennel run, I moseyed on over and decided to give her a hand. I got to spend the whole day with Ringo, what a treat that was!
I am looking forward to the Yukon 300, Northern Lights 300 and even Ms. Michele’s new race the Independence Mine 200 this racing season. If you’d like to help me get to the finish line I’d much appreciate it. You can sponsor me here.
[button link=”http://www.gofundme.com/teamineka” icon=”” target=”” color=”red” size=”small”]Sponsor Scout[/button]