Hi, may name is Carter. I am part of the Point Break Crew and I come all the way from California. No, not Hollywood but up near the mountains.
I joined Team Ineka as a young pup in the Spring of 2012. I am 18 months old and not quite ready to run with the big team yet. My buddies, “The Nightmare Crew” are just a month older than I am and they already have ran for more than 650 miles. I have tried a couple of times but I don’t like the ATV. I’m one of the smallest dogs here at Team Ineka and the mushers are giving me time to grow-up. This season I plan to try running with my younger kennel mates from the 9-11 Crew on the cart.
[button link=”http://www.gofundme.com/teamineka” icon=”” target=”” color=”red” size=”small”]Sponsor Carter[/button]