Hi my name is BreBre and I am part of the 9-11 Crew. My brothers and sisters are named after the amazing and courageous dogs that took part in the September 11th disasters.
When I was just a few weeks old Michele was concerned about me. I was a little bit shy and didn’t participate in playing with my siblings. She spent lots of time with me.
By the time I joined the kennel it was clear that I wasn’t to interested in the sled dog life!
Michele took me out of the kennel often and she and Nicole trained me to work as a therapy dog. While I was still under two years of age Michele met Josh.
Josh and I share our birthday! That made me so happy. When Michele and Nicole drove me to Josh’s house I was nervous. But Nicole walked me around a park near his house to calm me. She told me secrets. I understood that it was my job now to watch over, protect and encourage my new friend Josh!