Hi, my name is Dandy. I am four years old and I am from J.P. Norris’ kennel here in Willow. I am one of the few Siberians at Team Ineka, along with Raegan, Bodhi and Carter.
I am pretty small and I come from a sprint kennel but I can hold my own. I have been training for the last couple years to do longer miles.
Boy, do I have a story for you– Just a couple weeks after I arrived here we were on a training run on Zero Lake Road. I decided I didn’t want to run anymore so I just quit. I know, I know, it is not what a sled dog is supposed to do but hey I got a little tired okay. Anyway, Tyler the Musher was carrying me on another musher’s ATV and all the sudden the ATV caught on fire! Tyler jumped off and let go of me in all of the commotion and I ran away. The ATV burned to the ground. Nobody or no dogs were hurt, thank goodness, but I was on the run!
The Musher’s formed a little search party to find me but if you know anything about us Siberians we are pretty sneaky and awful hard to catch. I ran around for a couple days in the woods until I got hungry and then I headed over to Ramey Smyth’s kennel to grab some dinner. They caught me and returned me to my home. It was an adventure none of us will ever forget!
[button link=”http://www.gofundme.com/teamineka” icon=”” target=”” color=”red” size=”small”]Sponsor Dandy[/button]